Here’s An Opinion On:
By Mr.Andrew Caxton
There are not only many types of water filters, there are many purposes for them. Most of the water filters ta ht people are familiar with are for filtering impurities out of the water they drink. But you can also filter the water in your shower and even the water that goes to your washing machine. If you have a lot of minerals, sediment and other particulates in your water, you may want to filter the water you wash your clothes in to make sure that they will come out clean and white.
Most of these filters work to capture the sediment in the water before it goes into the tub of the washing machine where your clothes are going to go. This is done at a screen on a valve at the inlet to the washer. This allows the water to flow through, while taking out sediment.
Since a washer uses a lot of water at a time for each wash, make sure you get the proper sized filter. Otherwise you will have to be changing hate filter constantly to make it work properly.
There are many brands of washing machine water filters, just as there are many brands of air coolers and they are manufactured both by water filter companies and washing machine companies. Whirlpool, Maytag, Kenmore, Frigidair, GE, make washers and excellent filters to use Whit them.
Companies that specialize in water filtering are also a good choice for washing machine filters, companies such as Rainsoft, Sprite Shower Filters, PUR, Omnipure, Aqua-Pure, American Plumber, Moen, Microline, Liquidate, Key tone, Incinerator, Hydro Tech, Holmes Air, Ever Pure, Gilligan and Brita.
Even among this wide range of manufacturers, there is a wide range of types of filters for your washer. There are quick change filters, garden filters, ceramic filters and many speciality filters. You have to be careful to pick the right filter for your washer; not all brands of washers will supp port all brands of washing machine filters. Just to be sure, work with a company that will give you a warranty on their filter so that you can return it if anything goes wrong.
One of the most important elements in how well a filter of any kind will work is keeping the filter clean. This is a very small but necessary bit of maintenance that you have to keep up in order for the filter to work at its optimum.
Shut off the power to the washer to avoid any electrical shock, then find the water inlet valve. Visually check the filter for debris that may have collected on it. If there is a great deal of debris, you need to change the filter. This is not a very big deal but to have some precautionary measures for your air coolers and as well as for your health is concerned.
You will be very surprised at how nice your clothes will come out if you use a washing machine filter to keep the water that washes your clothes clean in the first place.
About the Author: Andrew Caxton enjoys writing about air coolers for evaporative-air-coolers.com. Read additional info on air coolers or swamp cooler motor.
Source: isnare.com
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